Three days after I started using the stem cell activation patches, I could run for the first time in 12 years. Three weeks later, I could work out for the first time in my life.
I’m not the only person to see such fantastic, immediate results. However, others may have to wait weeks or months to see benefits. What makes the difference?
Everybody is different, and each person’s body has different needs. The body has God-given wisdom and will use the activated stem cells accordingly. Someone may start the patches because of a problem with their knee, but the body knows there are serious problems with internal organs that need to be dealt with first. The knee may have to wait.
However, I also think there were some important reasons why I had such stunning, immediate results, and these reasons point to ways you can maximise the benefit you receive from the patches. Your lifestyle choices will affect your body’s toxic load and therefore your body’s ability to heal.
Firstly, diet. When I started the patches, I had been on a clean diet for ten years: fresh organic fruit and vegetables, organic meat and fish, no processed food (no white sugar, white flour, additives etc.)
Second, water. I was in the habit of drinking eight glasses of water a day. David Schmidt, the inventor of the stem cell activation patches, recommends that people stay well hydrated while using the patches.
Third, minerals. I had been taking all 90 essential nutrients every day for ten years. This includes all 60 essential minerals. Chiropractor, John Harmon says that, if people are low in minerals (especially magnesium, zinc, and calcium), this will adversely affect the patches’ ability to work in the body. The best minerals to choose are plant-derived, organic, colloidal minerals because they are highly absorbed (90-98% in a healthy gut).
Some time into using the patches, I took David Schmidt’s advice and added NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) to my protocol. This seemed to give a boost to the benefits I was already seeing from the patches.
(David Schmidt also recommends supplementing with Beta-alanine and copper glycinate if you are using the x49 patch.)
So, if you are not seeing the benefits you would like to see from the patches:
Check your diet.
Check you’re drinking enough water.
Check you’re supplementing with absorbable minerals, especially magnesium, zinc, and calcium.
And then when you’ve done all that, please be patient. It took years for your health issues to develop. Don’t be surprised if it takes a few months to resolve them.
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