“The current trajectory we’re going down with all this misinformation is one towards oblivion. I mean, ultimately, truth is what’s going to redeem the world from hell. We’re heading towards hell.”
These comments were made by consultant cardiologist Aseem Malhotra while discussing the corporate capture of the health industry and Big Pharma’s control of mainstream media. The full interview with Del Bigtree can be seen here. Dr Malhotra has been speaking out for several years about the overmedication of our society, especially when it comes to statin drugs. He has appeared on television several times. However, when the Covid ‘vaccines’ were released at the end of 2020, he initially toed the party line. He was among the first to take two shots of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ and he appeared on Good Morning, Britain to tell the world they were safe and effective.
Later, evidence on benefits and harms started to come in and Dr Malhotra says that what he found was ‘really quite shocking’ and he felt a responsibility to get this information out to the public and policy makers, to suspend the roll out of the mRNA technology.
Then tragedy stuck. In July 2021, 6 months after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’, Dr Malhotra’s 73-year-old father suffered a ‘shocking, unexplained, sudden cardiac death’. His father was a GP (General Practitioner) who was in good health and living a healthy lifestyle. There had been no previous indications of heart trouble, and Dr Malhotra says the autopsy results did not make sense to him at all. There were several blockages in two arteries that he just couldn’t explain.
Dr Malhotra did not immediately think his father’s demise had been caused by the Covid ‘vaccine’. In fact, when somebody speculated on the doctor’s Twitter feed that the ‘vaccine’ was responsible, he treated that person as a troll and blocked them. However, a few months later it became very clear to him that the mRNA technology accelerates coronary heart disease and that his father’s death was ‘almost certainly’ caused by the ‘vaccine’. Dr Malhotra now goes as far as to say that ‘Anything and everything that can go wrong with the heart is triggered or can be caused by the vaccine.’
In June 2022, Dr Malhotra published a paper in two parts called Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine. In it he shows evidence that the Covid ‘vaccines’ are doing far more harm than good. You are more likely to suffer a serious adverse event from taking the ‘vaccine’ (such as disability, a life-changing event, and/or hospitalisation) than you are to be hospitalised with Covid. (See the paper: Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials) In the first couple of months of the Covid trials, 1 in 800 people suffered a serious adverse event. (This is the rate for the healthy people chosen for the trial. The rate in the general population would be expected to be much higher.) On the other hand, in the over 80 age group (the highest risk group for Covid) 7,300 people need to be vaccinated to prevent one Covid death. (See How many injections prevent on Covid death?) Whilst Dr Malhotra has been attacked personally for publishing this paper, the facts stated in the paper are not disputed and have not been rebutted.
Dr Malhotra’s assessment of the current state of the health industry is that the problems go far beyond the Covid ‘vaccine’ and that ‘Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked by powerful vested interests.’ Therefore, the only solution is to fix the entire system.
In the current system, drug companies are not only allowed to develop drugs but also to test them themselves and then hold on to the raw data (as with the Covid ‘vaccines’). Regulatory agencies and governments are taking money from Pharma. The FDA gets most of its funding from Pharma. In the U.S.A., political parties receive money from Pharma. In the UK, the MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) gets 86% of its funding from Pharma. Independent scientists are not being allowed to influence decision making. And according to Dr Malhotra, ‘Much, if not most, published research is not reliable, offers no benefit to patients, and therefore is not useful to decision makers.’
In the interview, Del Bigtree points out that the pharmaceutical industry loses court cases for billions of dollars every year for having lied about safety and efficacy over and over again. He says that, if we do not curtail their current power and we allow them to continue pushing out products without proper safety testing (especially with ‘vaccines’ that can be injected into every human being on earth), then we won’t have long to live as a species.
These comments are what prompted the quote given at the top of this article. Dr Malhotra says we are heading towards hell if we do not succeed in getting out the truth about Pharma’s control of the health industry.
In addressing the current health crisis, Dr Malhotra points out that there are simple ways to improve our health through lifestyle choices. In the west, we are seriously overmedicated, but ‘You can’t fix lifestyle and social problems with pills.’ However, just one month of dietary changes can have a very positive effect. The biggest problem is ultra-processed food (See article: Why you are addicted to processed food. Dr Malhotra’s advice is ‘If your grandmother wouldn’t recognise the ingredients, don’t eat it.’ He also advocates moderate exercise, 7 hours sleep per night, and stress management. Dr Malhotra also sometimes prescribes hugs for his patients — 10 x 20-second hugs a day.
Our current health system is leading us to disaster, but we have the power to change that system through educating ourselves and speaking out about the dangers of allowing a corrupt and powerful industry, run for profit, to dictate our health policies. We also have the power to take responsibility for our own health through health lifestyle choices.