On the 8th February 2022, when I first started using the stem cell activation patches, it was impossible for me to even think about working out or dancing.
Sixteen days later, I tried a 30 minute, low-impact workout for beginnings. I had to stop half-way through because of pain in my right knee and left foot. But I was astonished and delighted that I could do even that.
Since then, I’ve gradually improved in terms of movement, energy, and stamina. And I no longer get any pain.
It was very difficult at first to persuade my legs to do one thing while my arms did something else. It was also very difficult to move in time to the music. But eight months on, I’m really grooving.
This video shows my progression.
If you would like to know more about the stem cell activation patches, please email me at [email protected] and/or send me a friend request on Facebook.
I’m relearning to do movements I haven’t been able to do for over a decade. And I’m stunned at how much dance is helping me.
I shouldn’t be so surprised. After all, over 40 years ago I did a course in music therapy at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama as part of my music degree from The City University. At that time, I wanted to be a music therapist, but I never achieved the required level of musicianship in a suitable instrument.
Perhaps even more importantly, my sister has just retired from a lifetime of professional dancing and dance teaching.
I’d like to tell you my current experience and then share what I’ve learned about how music can help you to regain lost mobility.
For those of you who don’t know, ten years ago I could barely walk. I couldn’t lift my left leg at all because the necessary tissues/sinews at the top of my left thigh had shrivelled to nothing and simply didn’t work. The only way I could walk was to use my arms to throw my left leg forward. Over the following year, my mobility significantly improved though diet and nutrition (Youngevity). In the last few months, I’ve been using stem cell activation patches, and the necessary tissues/sinews have reappeared and started working again.
My left hip still has problems, but the left leg can move in amazing new ways. I’ve always wanted to be able to dance, so I’ve been following ballroom rhythm dance videos on Youtube.
At times, I’ve watched the instructor and thought to myself, “There’s no way I can do that.” Then I’ve tried and found, lo and behold, I could do it. BUT, I’ve only been able to do it when I’ve been ‘locked in’ mentally to the music and visually to the instructor’s movements. The following video is a good example.
When I saw the instructor kicking to the side then lifting the knee, I thought, “No way!” I tried it. It took a few minutes, but eventually I found I could ‘lock in’ and do it. I couldn’t believe it.
Then the music stopped. I tried to do it again and couldn’t. I kept losing my balance and I couldn’t get the rhythm going. What was happening? I’d done it perfectly a few minutes before. Then I started the music again in my head, and the action came back easily.
I wanted to understand what was happening to me, so I started researching online.
The video How music can heal the brain (see below) explains how the auditory-motor circuits in the brain process rhythmic sounds such as speech or music. They also, however, stimulate rhythmic movements like walking.
Since these neural pathways deal with both sound and movement, if you excite the neurons with music, you can make them more ready to activate movements.
That explains everything. It’s easier for my body to re-learn lost movements, when I move to music.
In the wonderful video Gait training for Parkinson’s patient using music (see below), the patient struggles to move his feet to walk, even with the help of a walker. Then he hears music and ‘locks into it’ (like me). He can then walk much faster and more rhythmically. Soon, he leaves the walker behind and dances with the nurse.
I’m experiencing something similar (though less dramatic). Who knows what movements I’m going to be able to relearn through dancing?
So, if you have mobility issues, I highly recommend that you include moving to music as part of your recovery protocol.
I’ve just watched a fascinating TED talk called Can stem cells shape the future of medicine? by Esther Wolfs (see below). It’s only 11 minutes long, and it’s very well presented and easy to follow. She explains how scientists hope to cure serious diseases through stem cell therapy developed through a ‘patient in a dish’ model. I highly recommend you watch it. But as you watch it, ask yourself a question: What if there was a more natural way to activate stem cells?
Esther Wolfs says,
“Stem cells will shape the future of medicine. . . [They] will contribute to the development of therapies for many diseases and help in saving the lives of millions of people.
She then goes on to explain how stem cells can be seen as the raw material of the body. They are basic cells that don’t yet have a specific function, and can turn into different types of cells. The body can then use them to heal different tissues and organs that have been damaged through injury or disease. The example she gives is of the liver. If the liver is damaged, stem cells in the liver start to divide and become specialised liver cells which replace the damaged cells.
Esther Wolfs is involved in research in which stem cells are isolated from the human body and kept in a dish in the lab. They are then stimulated to turn into specialised cell types. This is called the ‘patient in a dish’ model. The cells can then be used as a therapy for injuries and diseases by injecting them into patients. This process is aided by the fact that some stem cells are known to migrate to tumours and sites of injury.
This all sounds wonderful, and I can agree that stem cells will change the face of medicine.
But is she missing something?
She states,
“The goal is to mimic what’s happening in the body.”
She’s acknowledging that our wonderfully-made bodies can change stem cells into specialised cells and bring healing. So, what if we could stimulate the body’sown natural pathways to activate stem cells according to our original God-given design? Wouldn’t that be better than taking the stem cells out of the body, working on them in a dish in a lab, then re-injecting them?
It certainly would be better, and David Schmidt has come up with an ingeniously simple patch technology designed to do just that. He’s developed a kind of light therapy that stimulates the body’s production of GHK copper peptide which, in turn, activates the body’s own stem cells. These newly activated stem cells can then go to work. As Esther Wolfs pointed out, stem cells can migrate to the site of injury and disease and bring healing.
For a more detailed explanation of the light therapy technology, please see the video below LifeWave’s David Schmidt Stem Cell Technology X39.
I don’t fully understand the science, but this I know; three days after I started using the patch technology, I could run for the first time in 12 years. That was enough to persuade me of its efficacy.
Why don’t you give the patches a try and find out what they can do for you?
Can stem cells shape the future of medicine? Esther Wolfs
LifeWave’s David Schmidt Stem Cell Technology X39
If you would like more information about the patches, please email me at [email protected].
Let’s start with some definitions (taken from Google):
Food: any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Poison: a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.
Added sugar: processed sugars that are added to processed food (as opposed to natural sugars found in fruit and vegetables) such as sucrose, dextrose, maltose, treacle, maltodextrin, invert sugar, fructose, and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
According to these definitions, added sugar should be classed as a poison not a food. It does not contain nutrients and while it may contribute to maintaining life in that it provides calories, it certainly doesn’t contribute to growth. On the contrary, it contributes to illness and death.
Dr Peter Osborne lists ten of the biggest reasons you should eliminate added sugar from your diet in his video Sugar is terrible for you - here are 10 reasons why! (see below).
Sugar suppresses the immune system. For five hours after eating sugar, the immune system becomes less responsive. If you consume sugar regularly, the immune system is weakened and you become more susceptible to colds and flus.
Sugar contributes to fatty liver disease. This is especially true of fructose. HFCS is the worst contributor because it is very concentrated. (Just to give an example, Coca-cola and Heinz Tomato Ketchup are high in HFCS.)
Sugar accelerates aging. It creates a free radical kind of reaction that damages the proteins which are needed to help your body repair itself.
Sugar impairs memory. It is also linked to dementia.
Sugar can cause oral inflammation. (Inflammation of the gums.)
Sugar causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Sugar is an empty calorie. The body uses up nutrients to process sugar, but it receives no nutrients from the sugar. Therefore, sugar depletes the body’s store of vitamins and minerals.
Sugar increases the risk of cancer. There are numerous major studies on this. Sugar feeds cancer and suppresses the immune system.
Sugar causes type 2 diabetes. The research is clear. Sugar causes type 2 diabetes. Dr Peter Osborne says, “Type 2 diabetes is 100% a disease of choice. You have the choice not to have it and if you do have it, you have the choice to put it in remission, but you have to change your diet.”
Sugarincreases the risk of cardio-vascular disease.
Sugar can lead to obesity.
And, on top of all this, sugar is addictive. If one were cynical, one might even assume the manufacturers of processed foods keep the sugar content high to make sure you come back for more!
So, where can you find added sugar?
If you start reading the ingredients labels on the back of the boxes and bags of ‘food’ you consume, you will be surprised. And sugar is not just in sweet products. It’s in savoury products too.
Let’s look at one obvious example — the favourite UK snack, Jaffa Cakes. Here are the ingredients:
The first ingredient is glucose-fructose syrup, and sugar is listed another four times. Each Jaffa Cake contains 6.4g of sugar. Take another look at the definitions at the beginning of this article and decide whether Jaffa Cakes should be classed as food or as slow-acting poison.
So, I have a few suggestions:
Go to your cupboard and start reading ingredients labels.
Weigh the convenience and pleasure of eating processed foods against your long-term health goals.
Three days after I started using the stem cell activation patches, I could run for the first time in 12 years. Three weeks later, I could work out for the first time in my life.
I’m not the only person to see such fantastic, immediate results. However, others may have to wait weeks or months to see benefits. What makes the difference?
Everybody is different, and each person’s body has different needs. The body has God-given wisdom and will use the activated stem cells accordingly. Someone may start the patches because of a problem with their knee, but the body knows there are serious problems with internal organs that need to be dealt with first. The knee may have to wait.
However, I also think there were some important reasons why I had such stunning, immediate results, and these reasons point to ways you can maximise the benefit you receive from the patches. Your lifestyle choices will affect your body’s toxic load and therefore your body’s ability to heal.
Firstly, diet. When I started the patches, I had been on a clean diet for ten years: fresh organic fruit and vegetables, organic meat and fish, no processed food (no white sugar, white flour, additives etc.)
Second, water. I was in the habit of drinking eight glasses of water a day. David Schmidt, the inventor of the stem cell activation patches, recommends that people stay well hydrated while using the patches.
Third, minerals. I had been taking all 90 essential nutrients every day for ten years. This includes all 60 essential minerals. Chiropractor, John Harmon says that, if people are low in minerals (especially magnesium, zinc, and calcium), this will adversely affect the patches’ ability to work in the body. The best minerals to choose are plant-derived, organic, colloidal minerals because they are highly absorbed (90-98% in a healthy gut).
Some time into using the patches, I took David Schmidt’s advice and added NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) to my protocol. This seemed to give a boost to the benefits I was already seeing from the patches.
(David Schmidt also recommends supplementing with Beta-alanine and copper glycinate if you are using the x49 patch.)
So, if you are not seeing the benefits you would like to see from the patches:
Check your diet.
Check you’re drinking enough water.
Check you’re supplementing with absorbable minerals, especially magnesium, zinc, and calcium.
And then when you’ve done all that, please be patient. It took years for your health issues to develop. Don’t be surprised if it takes a few months to resolve them.
Ten years ago, I was in pain 24/7 and I wanted to die. I’m now pain free. I’m going to share what I learned in those ten years. I hope you will find it helpful.
The importance of diet
Firstly, I learned that your diet is enormously important when you’re trying to reduce pain. I am very fortunate in that I have what I call my ‘barometer’ muscle in my left calf. If I eat anything that causes inflammation, I very quickly get pain in that muscle. This enables me to avoid that food before it starts to affect the rest of my body. The following foods cause me (and a lot of other people) pain:
Gluten (wheat, barley, rye).
Nightshades (tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers, aubergines etc.).
Oils (any oils including olive oil and coconut oil).
Any food that I’m allergic to (there are too many to list).
I was also fortunate that I got pain-free on a traditional gluten-free diet (and nutrition), but a lot of people need to remove ALL grain from their diet before this happens. (Please see my article Why traditional gluten-free diets do not always work. and the video posted below: No Grain No Pain Initiative – Dr Peter Osborne.)
Secondly, I learned the importance of nutrition. I’ve been taking all 90 essential nutrients every day for the last ten years (from Youngevity).
When choosing nutritional supplements, bear two things in mind: a) make sure they are of good quality from a reputable company. Low quality supplements will be a waste of money. Even worse, they will encourage you to believe that supplements don’t work. b) Carefully consider any food allergies you may have. For example, glucosamine is often derived from shellfish.
(For a detailed examination of supplements that can help pain, please see the video below: Chronic pain? Try supplementing with these.)
Essential oils for pain relief
When I was in chronic pain, I heavily relied on essential oils for pain relief. A number of good essential oil companies offer a good and effective oil blend for pain. The best oil I found for pain relief was hemp essential oil, but it’s very expensive. However, even cheap and readily available peppermint oil is worth having on hand for pain. (Again, make sure the essential oils you choose are of good quality.)
Light therapy (stem cell activation) patches
One thing I didn’t know ten years ago, and I really wish I had, was that light therapy patches can be incredibly helping with pain relief. (This includes the stem cell activation patches, and I couldn’t have used them ten years ago because they have only been available for the last four years.)
Here is a brief compilation of testimonies about the patches and pain relief. If you would like to know more about these patches, please email me at [email protected].
There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself with pain that don’t require the use of pharmaceutical drugs which have unpleasant side effects and can be addictive. As with all aspects of health, your diet is central.
When you start to take responsibility for your health and start making life-style changes, you may find you go through periods of feeling worse before you feel better.
Why does this happen?
There are two mechanisms that could cause this:
Detox symptoms (die-off, Herxheimer reaction)
Healing crisis (re-tracing, ROOS or Return of Old Symptoms)
Detox symptoms
These occur when the body is removing toxins at an uncomfortable rate. This can happen when:
You deliberately undergo a detox programme.
You change your diet or make other life-style changes.
You start a new natural therapy programme (e.g., I’ve experienced detox symptoms after a chiropractic adjustment.)
When symptoms are suppressed (e.g., through the use of pharmaceutical drugs), the disease process is pushed deeper into the body. If deep healing occurs later on, these symptoms may temporarily resurface.
How long can you experience these symptoms?
The symptoms usually last 1 – 3 days, but they might last up to two weeks.
What symptoms can you experience?
Possible symptoms may include:
Temporary muscle aches
Mucus or other discharge
A coated, pasty tongue
Flu-like symptoms
Difficulty sleeping
More need for sleep
Skin Rashes
Low energy levels
Frequent urination
Smelly urine
What can you do when experiencing these symptoms?
Take it easy. Rest and give yourself time to recover.
Drink lots and lots of water.
Take a break from the cause, e.g., if you are doing a detox programme, slow it down. If you are undergoing some kind of natural therapy, speak to your practitioner and maybe delay the next treatment. If you are using the light therapy patches, reduce the number of hours you are wearing them or stop using them for a few days.
Remember, your body is healing. It may feel lousy, but it is a good thing. Your body is detoxing and/or dealing with long repressed symptoms.
Remember, what you are experiencing is only temporary, and you will reap the benefits when it is over.
My personal experience with the light therapy patches.
In my first few days on the light therapy patches, I experienced some minor detox symptoms — just feeling tired and a bit groggy. (At the same time, I was seeing amazing results. Three days after starting the patches, I could run for the first time in 12 years.)
Five months into the patches, I was experiencing some deep healing in my back, left hip, and left thigh. Then I hit a really nasty healing crisis. I was weak and dizzy and shivering (though I didn’t have a temperature). I felt nauseous and lost my appetite. I had an excessive amount of mucus in my nose and down the back of my throat. Mentally, I felt unusually negative about life. When I searched for these symptoms on the internet, it came up with ‘drug withdrawal’. I believe my body was clearing out the effects of the heavy load of pharmaceuticals I was given in my early life.
The worst of the symptoms only lasted two days, but it took me another two weeks to get back to normal. I stopped using the patches for a few days. When I started using them again, the deep healing that had been occurring in the back, left hip, and left thigh just picked up where it had left off, and in the following week, I noticed significant improvement in the flexibility of my back.
Detox symptoms and healing crises are unpleasant, but they are important signs that your body is doing what it was designed to do and you are going through a necessary healing process.
So, please bear in mind that it can happen. Forewarned is forearmed.